Source code for eav.registry

"""This modules contains the registry classes."""

from django.contrib.contenttypes import fields as generic
from django.db.models.signals import post_init, post_save, pre_save

from eav.managers import EntityManager
from eav.models import Attribute, Entity, Value

from eav.logic.entity_pk import get_entity_pk_type

[docs]class EavConfig(object): """ The default ``EavConfig`` class used if it is not overridden on registration. This is where all the default eav attribute names are defined. Available options are as follows: 1. manager_attr - Specifies manager name. Used to refer to the manager from Entity class, "objects" by default. 2. manager_only - Specifies whether signals and generic relation should be setup for the registered model. 3. eav_attr - Named of the Entity toolkit instance on the registered model instance. "eav" by default. See attach_eav_attr. 4. generic_relation_attr - Name of the GenericRelation to Value objects. "eav_values" by default. 5. generic_relation_related_name - Name of the related name for GenericRelation from Entity to Value. None by default. Therefore, if not overridden, it is not possible to query Values by Entities. """ manager_attr = 'objects' manager_only = False eav_attr = 'eav' generic_relation_attr = 'eav_values' generic_relation_related_name = None
[docs] @classmethod def get_attributes(cls, instance=None): """ By default, all :class:`~eav.models.Attribute` object apply to an entity, unless you provide a custom EavConfig class overriding this. """ return Attribute.objects.all()
[docs]class Registry(object): """ Handles registration through the :meth:`register` and :meth:`unregister` methods. """
[docs] @staticmethod def register(model_cls, config_cls=None): """ Registers *model_cls* with eav. You can pass an optional *config_cls* to override the EavConfig defaults. .. note:: Multiple registrations for the same entity are harmlessly ignored. """ if hasattr(model_cls, '_eav_config_cls'): return if config_cls is EavConfig or config_cls is None: config_cls = type("%sConfig" % model_cls.__name__, (EavConfig,), {}) # set _eav_config_cls on the model so we can access it there setattr(model_cls, '_eav_config_cls', config_cls) reg = Registry(model_cls) reg._register_self()
[docs] @staticmethod def unregister(model_cls): """ Unregisters *model_cls* with eav. .. note:: Unregistering a class not already registered is harmlessly ignored. """ if not getattr(model_cls, '_eav_config_cls', None): return reg = Registry(model_cls) reg._unregister_self() delattr(model_cls, '_eav_config_cls')
[docs] @staticmethod def attach_eav_attr(sender, *args, **kwargs): """ Attach EAV Entity toolkit to an instance after init. """ instance = kwargs['instance'] config_cls = instance.__class__._eav_config_cls setattr(instance, config_cls.eav_attr, Entity(instance))
def __init__(self, model_cls): """ Set the *model_cls* and its *config_cls* """ self.model_cls = model_cls self.config_cls = model_cls._eav_config_cls def _attach_manager(self): """ Attach the manager to *manager_attr* specified in *config_cls* """ # Save the old manager if the attribute name conflicts with the new one. if hasattr(self.model_cls, self.config_cls.manager_attr): mgr = getattr(self.model_cls, self.config_cls.manager_attr) # For some models, `local_managers` may be empty, eg. # django.contrib.auth.models.User and AbstractUser if mgr in self.model_cls._meta.local_managers: self.config_cls.old_mgr = mgr self.model_cls._meta.local_managers.remove(mgr) self.model_cls._meta._expire_cache() # Attach the new manager to the model. mgr = EntityManager() mgr.contribute_to_class(self.model_cls, self.config_cls.manager_attr) def _detach_manager(self): """ Detach the manager and restore the previous one (if there was one). """ mgr = getattr(self.model_cls, self.config_cls.manager_attr) self.model_cls._meta.local_managers.remove(mgr) self.model_cls._meta._expire_cache() delattr(self.model_cls, self.config_cls.manager_attr) if hasattr(self.config_cls, 'old_mgr'): self.config_cls.old_mgr.contribute_to_class( self.model_cls, self.config_cls.manager_attr ) def _attach_signals(self): """ Attach pre- and post- save signals from model class to Entity helper. This way, Entity instance will be able to prepare and clean-up before and after creation / update of the user's model class instance. """ post_init.connect(Registry.attach_eav_attr, sender=self.model_cls) pre_save.connect(Entity.pre_save_handler, sender=self.model_cls) post_save.connect(Entity.post_save_handler, sender=self.model_cls) def _detach_signals(self): """ Detach all signals for eav. """ post_init.disconnect(Registry.attach_eav_attr, sender=self.model_cls) pre_save.disconnect(Entity.pre_save_handler, sender=self.model_cls) post_save.disconnect(Entity.post_save_handler, sender=self.model_cls) def _attach_generic_relation(self): """Set up the generic relation for the entity.""" rel_name = ( self.config_cls.generic_relation_related_name or self.model_cls.__name__ ) gr_name = self.config_cls.generic_relation_attr.lower() generic_relation = generic.GenericRelation( Value, object_id_field=get_entity_pk_type(self.model_cls), content_type_field='entity_ct', related_query_name=rel_name, ) generic_relation.contribute_to_class(self.model_cls, gr_name) def _detach_generic_relation(self): """ Remove the generic relation from the entity """ gen_rel_field = self.config_cls.generic_relation_attr.lower() for field in self.model_cls._meta.local_many_to_many: if == gen_rel_field: self.model_cls._meta.local_many_to_many.remove(field) break delattr(self.model_cls, gen_rel_field) def _register_self(self): """ Call the necessary registration methods """ self._attach_manager() if not self.config_cls.manager_only: self._attach_signals() self._attach_generic_relation() def _unregister_self(self): """ Call the necessary unregistration methods """ self._detach_manager() if not self.config_cls.manager_only: self._detach_signals() self._detach_generic_relation()