Source code for eav.queryset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains custom :class:`EavQuerySet` class used for overriding
relational operators and pure functions for rewriting Q-expressions.
Q-expressions need to be rewritten for two reasons:

1. In order to hide implementation from the user and provide easy to use
   syntax sugar, i.e.::


   instead of::

       city_values = Value.objects.filter(value__text__startswith='New')

   For details see: :func:`eav_filter`.

2. To ensure that Q-expression tree is compiled to valid SQL.
   For details see: :func:`rewrite_q_expr`.
from functools import wraps
from itertools import count

from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist, ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db.models import Case, IntegerField, Q, When
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db.utils import NotSupportedError
from django.db.models import Subquery

from eav.models import Attribute, EnumValue, Value

[docs]def is_eav_and_leaf(expr, gr_name): """ Checks whether Q-expression is an EAV AND leaf. Args: expr (Union[Q, tuple]): Q-expression to be checked. gr_name (str): Generic relation attribute name, by default 'eav_values' Returns: bool """ return ( getattr(expr, 'connector', None) == 'AND' and len(expr.children) == 1 and expr.children[0][0] in ['pk__in', '{}__in'.format(gr_name)] )
[docs]def rewrite_q_expr(model_cls, expr): """ Rewrites Q-expression to safe form, in order to ensure that generated SQL is valid. IGNORE: Suppose we have the following Q-expression: └── OR ├── AND │ └── eav_values__in [1, 2, 3] └── AND (1) ├── AND │ └── eav_values__in [4, 5] └── AND └── eav_values__in [6, 7, 8] IGNORE All EAV values are stored in a single table. Therefore, INNER JOIN generated for the AND-expression (1) will always fail, i.e. single row in a eav_values table cannot be both in two disjoint sets at the same time (and the whole point of using AND, usually, is two have two different sets). Therefore, we must paritially rewrite the expression so that the generated SQL is valid. IGNORE: └── OR ├── AND │ └── eav_values__in [1, 2, 3] └── AND └── pk__in [1, 2] IGNORE This is done by merging dangerous AND's and substituting them with explicit ``pk__in`` filter, where pks are taken from evaluated Q-expr branch. Args: model_cls (TypeVar): model class used to construct :meth:`QuerySet` from leaf attribute-value expression. expr: (Q | tuple): Q-expression (or attr-val leaf) to be rewritten. Returns: Union[Q, tuple] """ # Node in a Q-expr can be a Q or an attribute-value tuple (leaf). # We are only interested in Qs. if isinstance(expr, Q): config_cls = getattr(model_cls, '_eav_config_cls', None) gr_name = config_cls.generic_relation_attr # Recursively check child nodes. expr.children = [rewrite_q_expr(model_cls, c) for c in expr.children] # Check which ones need a rewrite. rewritable = [c for c in expr.children if is_eav_and_leaf(c, gr_name)] # Conflict occurs only with two or more AND-expressions. # If there is only one we can ignore it. if len(rewritable) > 1: q = None # Save nodes which shouldn't be merged (non-EAV). other = [c for c in expr.children if not c in rewritable] for child in rewritable: if not (child.children and len(child.children) == 1): raise AssertionError('Child must have exactly one descendant') # Child to be merged is always a terminal Q node, # i.e. it's an AND expression with attribute-value tuple child. attrval = child.children[0] if not isinstance(attrval, tuple): raise AssertionError('Attribute-value must be a tuple') fname = '{}__in'.format(gr_name) # Child can be either a 'eav_values__in' or 'pk__in' query. # If it's the former then transform it into the latter. # Otherwise, check if the value is valid for the '__in' query. # If so, reverse it back to QuerySet so that set operators # can be applied. if attrval[0] == fname or hasattr(attrval[1], '__contains__'): # Create model queryset. _q = model_cls.objects.filter(**{fname: attrval[1]}) else: # Second val in tuple is a queryset. _q = attrval[1] # Explicitly check for None. 'or' doesn't work here # as empty QuerySet, which is valid, is falsy. q = q if q != None else _q if expr.connector == 'AND': q &= _q else: q |= _q # If any two children were merged, # update parent expression. if q != None: expr.children = other + [('pk__in', q)] return expr
[docs]def eav_filter(func): """ Decorator used to wrap filter and exclude methods. Passes args through :func:`expand_q_filters` and kwargs through :func:`expand_eav_filter`. Returns the called function (filter or exclude). """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): nargs = [] nkwargs = {} for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Q): # Modify Q objects (warning: recursion ahead). arg = expand_q_filters(arg, self.model) # Rewrite Q-expression to safeform. arg = rewrite_q_expr(self.model, arg) nargs.append(arg) for key, value in kwargs.items(): # Modify kwargs (warning: recursion ahead). nkey, nval = expand_eav_filter(self.model, key, value) if nkey in nkwargs: # Add filter to check if matching entity_id is in the previous queryset with same nkey nkwargs[nkey] = nval.filter( entity_id__in=nkwargs[nkey].values_list('entity_id', flat=True) ).distinct() else: nkwargs.update({nkey: nval}) return func(self, *nargs, **nkwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def expand_q_filters(q, root_cls): """ Takes a Q object and a model class. Recursively passes each filter / value in the Q object tree leaf nodes through :func:`expand_eav_filter`. """ new_children = [] for qi in q.children: if isinstance(qi, tuple): # This child is a leaf node: in Q this is a 2-tuple of: # (filter parameter, value). key, value = expand_eav_filter(root_cls, *qi) new_children.append(Q(**{key: value})) else: # This child is another Q node: recursify! new_children.append(expand_q_filters(qi, root_cls)) q.children = new_children return q
[docs]def expand_eav_filter(model_cls, key, value): """ Accepts a model class and a key, value. Recurisively replaces any eav filter with a subquery. For example:: key = 'eav__height' value = 5 Would return:: key = 'eav_values__in' value = Values.objects.filter(value_int=5, attribute__slug='height') """ fields = key.split('__') config_cls = getattr(model_cls, '_eav_config_cls', None) if len(fields) > 1 and config_cls and fields[0] == config_cls.eav_attr: slug = fields[1] gr_name = config_cls.generic_relation_attr datatype = Attribute.objects.get(slug=slug).datatype value_key = '' if datatype == Attribute.TYPE_ENUM and not isinstance(value, EnumValue): lookup = '__value__{}'.format(fields[2]) if len(fields) > 2 else '__value' value_key = 'value_{}{}'.format(datatype, lookup) elif datatype == Attribute.TYPE_OBJECT: value_key = 'generic_value_id' else: lookup = '__{}'.format(fields[2]) if len(fields) > 2 else '' value_key = 'value_{}{}'.format(datatype, lookup) kwargs = {value_key: value, 'attribute__slug': slug} value = Value.objects.filter(**kwargs) return '%s__in' % gr_name, value # Not an eav field, so keep as is return key, value
[docs]class EavQuerySet(QuerySet): """ Overrides relational operators for EAV models. """
[docs] @eav_filter def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Pass *args* and *kwargs* through :func:`eav_filter`, then pass to the ``Manager`` filter method. """ return super(EavQuerySet, self).filter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @eav_filter def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Pass *args* and *kwargs* through :func:`eav_filter`, then pass to the ``Manager`` exclude method. """ return super(EavQuerySet, self).exclude(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @eav_filter def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Pass *args* and *kwargs* through :func:`eav_filter`, then pass to the ``Manager`` get method. """ return super(EavQuerySet, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def order_by(self, *fields): # Django only allows to order querysets by direct fields and # foreign-key chains. In order to bypass this behaviour and order # by EAV attributes, it is required to construct custom order-by # clause manually using Django's conditional expressions. # This will be slow, of course. order_clauses = [] query_clause = self config_cls = self.model._eav_config_cls for term in [t.split('__') for t in fields]: # Continue only for EAV attributes. if len(term) == 2 and term[0] == config_cls.eav_attr: # Retrieve Attribute over which the ordering is performed. try: attr = Attribute.objects.get(slug=term[1]) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise ObjectDoesNotExist( 'Cannot find EAV attribute "{}"'.format(term[1]) ) field_name = 'value_%s' % attr.datatype pks_values = ( Value.objects.filter( # Retrieve pk-values pairs of the related values # (i.e. values for the specified attribute and # belonging to entities in the queryset). attribute__slug=attr.slug, entity_id__in=self, ) .order_by( # Order values by their value-field of # appropriate attribute data-type. field_name ) .values_list( # Retrieve only primary-keys of the entities # in the current queryset. 'entity_id', field_name, ) ) # Retrieve ordered values from pk-value list. _, ordered_values = zip(*pks_values) # Add explicit ordering and turn # list of pairs into look-up table. val2ind = dict(zip(ordered_values, count())) # Finally, zip ordered pks with their grouped orderings. entities_pk = [(pk, val2ind[val]) for pk, val in pks_values] # Using ordered primary-keys, construct # CASE clause of the form: # # CASE # WHEN id = 2 THEN 1 # WHEN id = 5 THEN 2 # WHEN id = 9 THEN 2 # WHEN id = 4 THEN 3 # END # when_clauses = [When(id=pk, then=i) for pk, i in entities_pk] order_clause = Case(*when_clauses, output_field=IntegerField()) clause_name = '__'.join(term) # Use when-clause to construct # custom order-by clause. query_clause = query_clause.annotate(**{clause_name: order_clause}) order_clauses.append(clause_name) elif len(term) >= 2 and term[0] == config_cls.eav_attr: raise NotSupportedError( 'EAV does not support ordering through ' 'foreign-key chains' ) else: order_clauses.append(term[0]) return QuerySet.order_by(query_clause, *order_clauses)