Source code for eav.models.entity

from copy import copy

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from eav import register
from eav.exceptions import IllegalAssignmentException
from eav.logic.entity_pk import get_entity_pk_type

from .attribute import Attribute
from .enum_value import EnumValue
from .value import Value

[docs]class Entity: """Helper class that will be attached to entities registered with eav."""
[docs] @staticmethod def pre_save_handler(sender, *args, **kwargs): """ Pre save handler attached to self.instance. Called before the model instance we are attached to is saved. This allows us to call :meth:`validate_attributes` before the entity is saved. """ instance = kwargs['instance'] entity = getattr(kwargs['instance'], instance._eav_config_cls.eav_attr) entity.validate_attributes()
[docs] @staticmethod def post_save_handler(sender, *args, **kwargs): """ Post save handler attached to self.instance. Calls :meth:`save` when the model instance we are attached to is saved. """ instance = kwargs['instance'] entity = getattr(instance, instance._eav_config_cls.eav_attr)
def __init__(self, instance) -> None: """ Set self.instance equal to the instance of the model that we're attached to. Also, store the content type of that instance. """ self.instance = instance self.ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) def __getattr__(self, name): """ The magic getattr helper. This is called whenever user invokes:: instance.<attribute> Checks if *name* is a valid slug for attributes available to this instances. If it is, tries to lookup the :class:`Value` with that attribute slug. If there is one, it returns the value of the class:`Value` object, otherwise it hasn't been set, so it returns None. """ if not name.startswith('_'): try: attribute = self.get_attribute_by_slug(name) except Attribute.DoesNotExist: raise AttributeError( _('%(obj)s has no EAV attribute named %(attr)s') % {'obj': self.instance, 'attr': name}, ) try: return self.get_value_by_attribute(attribute).value except Value.DoesNotExist: return None return getattr(super(), name)
[docs] def get_all_attributes(self): """ Return a query set of all :class:`Attribute` objects that can be set for this entity. """ return self.instance._eav_config_cls.get_attributes( instance=self.instance, ).order_by('display_order')
def _hasattr(self, attribute_slug): """ Since we override __getattr__ with a backdown to the database, this exists as a way of checking whether a user has set a real attribute on ourselves, without going to the db if not. """ return attribute_slug in self.__dict__ def _getattr(self, attribute_slug): """ Since we override __getattr__ with a backdown to the database, this exists as a way of getting the value a user set for one of our attributes, without going to the db to check. """ return self.__dict__[attribute_slug]
[docs] def save(self): """Saves all the EAV values that have been set on this entity.""" for attribute in self.get_all_attributes(): if self._hasattr(attribute.slug): attribute_value = self._getattr(attribute.slug) if ( attribute.datatype == Attribute.TYPE_ENUM and not isinstance( attribute_value, EnumValue, ) and attribute_value is not None ): attribute_value = EnumValue.objects.get(value=attribute_value) attribute.save_value(self.instance, attribute_value)
[docs] def validate_attributes(self): """ Called before :meth:`save`, first validate all the entity values to make sure they can be created / saved cleanly. Raises ``ValidationError`` if they can't be. """ values_dict = self.get_values_dict() for attribute in self.get_all_attributes(): value = None # Value was assigned to this instance. if self._hasattr(attribute.slug): value = self._getattr(attribute.slug) values_dict.pop(attribute.slug, None) # Otherwise try pre-loaded from DB. else: value = values_dict.pop(attribute.slug, None) if value is None: if attribute.required: raise ValidationError( _(f'{attribute.slug} EAV field cannot be blank'), ) else: try: attribute.validate_value(value) except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError( _('%(attr)s EAV field %(err)s') % {'attr': attribute.slug, 'err': e}, ) illegal = values_dict or ( self.get_object_attributes() - self.get_all_attribute_slugs() ) if illegal: raise IllegalAssignmentException( 'Instance of the class {} cannot have values for attributes: {}.'.format( self.instance.__class__, ', '.join(illegal), ), )
def get_values_dict(self): return {v.attribute.slug: v.value for v in self.get_values()}
[docs] def get_values(self): """Get all set :class:`Value` objects for self.instance.""" entity_filter = { 'entity_ct': self.ct, f'{get_entity_pk_type(self.instance)}':, } return Value.objects.filter(**entity_filter).select_related()
[docs] def get_all_attribute_slugs(self): """Returns a list of slugs for all attributes available to this entity.""" return set(self.get_all_attributes().values_list('slug', flat=True))
[docs] def get_attribute_by_slug(self, slug): """Returns a single :class:`Attribute` with *slug*.""" return self.get_all_attributes().get(slug=slug)
[docs] def get_value_by_attribute(self, attribute): """Returns a single :class:`Value` for *attribute*.""" return self.get_values().get(attribute=attribute)
[docs] def get_object_attributes(self): """ Returns entity instance attributes, except for ``instance`` and ``ct`` which are used internally. """ return set(copy(self.__dict__).keys()) - {'instance', 'ct'}
def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over set eav values. This would allow you to do:: for i in m.eav: print(i) """ return iter(self.get_values())
[docs]class EAVModelMeta(ModelBase): def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwds): result = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(namespace)) register(result) return result