Source code for eav.models.attribute

# ruff: noqa: UP007

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple  # noqa: UP035

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import ForeignKey
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from eav.fields import EavDatatypeField
from eav.logic.entity_pk import get_entity_pk_type
from eav.logic.managers import AttributeManager
from eav.logic.object_pk import get_pk_format
from eav.logic.slug import SLUGFIELD_MAX_LENGTH, generate_slug
from eav.settings import CHARFIELD_LENGTH
from eav.validators import (

from .enum_value import EnumValue
from .value import Value

    from .enum_group import EnumGroup

[docs]class Attribute(models.Model): """ Putting the **A** in *EAV*. This holds the attributes, or concepts. Examples of possible *Attributes*: color, height, weight, number of children, number of patients, has fever?, etc... Each attribute has a name, and a description, along with a slug that must be unique. If you don't provide a slug, a default slug (derived from name), will be created. The *required* field is a boolean that indicates whether this EAV attribute is required for entities to which it applies. It defaults to *False*. .. warning:: Just like a normal model field that is required, you will not be able to save or create any entity object for which this attribute applies, without first setting this EAV attribute. There are 7 possible values for datatype: * int (TYPE_INT) * float (TYPE_FLOAT) * text (TYPE_TEXT) * date (TYPE_DATE) * bool (TYPE_BOOLEAN) * object (TYPE_OBJECT) * enum (TYPE_ENUM) * json (TYPE_JSON) * csv (TYPE_CSV) Examples:: Attribute.objects.create(name='Height', datatype=Attribute.TYPE_INT) # = <Attribute: Height (Integer)> Attribute.objects.create(name='Color', datatype=Attribute.TYPE_TEXT) # = <Attribute: Color (Text)> yes = EnumValue.objects.create(value='yes') no = EnumValue.objects.create(value='no') unknown = EnumValue.objects.create(value='unknown') ynu = EnumGroup.objects.create(name='Yes / No / Unknown') ynu.values.add(yes, no, unknown) Attribute.objects.create(name='has fever?', datatype=Attribute.TYPE_ENUM, enum_group=ynu) # = <Attribute: has fever? (Multiple Choice)> .. warning:: Once an Attribute has been used by an entity, you can not change it's datatype. """ objects = AttributeManager() class Meta: ordering = ['name'] verbose_name = _('Attribute') verbose_name_plural = _('Attributes') TYPE_TEXT = 'text' TYPE_FLOAT = 'float' TYPE_INT = 'int' TYPE_DATE = 'date' TYPE_BOOLEAN = 'bool' TYPE_OBJECT = 'object' TYPE_ENUM = 'enum' TYPE_JSON = 'json' TYPE_CSV = 'csv' DATATYPE_CHOICES = ( (TYPE_TEXT, _('Text')), (TYPE_DATE, _('Date')), (TYPE_FLOAT, _('Float')), (TYPE_INT, _('Integer')), (TYPE_BOOLEAN, _('True / False')), (TYPE_OBJECT, _('Django Object')), (TYPE_ENUM, _('Multiple Choice')), (TYPE_JSON, _('JSON Object')), (TYPE_CSV, _('Comma-Separated-Value')), ) # Core attributes id = get_pk_format() datatype = EavDatatypeField( choices=DATATYPE_CHOICES, max_length=6, verbose_name=_('Data Type'), ) name = models.CharField( max_length=CHARFIELD_LENGTH, help_text=_('User-friendly attribute name'), verbose_name=_('Name'), ) """ Main identifier for the attribute. Upon creation, slug is autogenerated from the name. (see :meth:`~eav.fields.EavSlugField.create_slug_from_name`). """ slug = models.SlugField( max_length=SLUGFIELD_MAX_LENGTH, db_index=True, unique=True, help_text=_('Short unique attribute label'), verbose_name=_('Slug'), ) """ .. warning:: This attribute should be used with caution. Setting this to *True* means that *all* entities that *can* have this attribute will be required to have a value for it. """ required = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_('Required'), ) entity_ct = models.ManyToManyField( ContentType, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Entity content type'), ) """ This field allows you to specify a relationship with any number of content types. This would be useful, for example, if you wanted an attribute to apply only to a subset of entities. In that case, you could filter by content type in the :meth:`~eav.registry.EavConfig.get_attributes` method of that entity's config. """ enum_group: "ForeignKey[Optional[EnumGroup]]" = ForeignKey( "eav.EnumGroup", on_delete=models.PROTECT, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Choice Group'), ) description = models.CharField( max_length=256, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Short description'), verbose_name=_('Description'), ) # Useful meta-information display_order = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=1, verbose_name=_('Display order'), ) modified = models.DateTimeField( auto_now=True, verbose_name=_('Modified'), ) created = models.DateTimeField(, editable=False, verbose_name=_('Created'), ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{} ({self.get_datatype_display()})'
[docs] def natural_key(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: # noqa: UP006 """ Retrieve the natural key for the Attribute instance. The natural key for an Attribute is defined by its `name` and `slug`. This method returns a tuple containing these two attributes of the instance. Returns ------- tuple: A tuple containing the name and slug of the Attribute instance. """ return (, self.slug, )
@property def help_text(self): return self.description
[docs] def get_validators(self): """ Returns the appropriate validator function from :mod:`~eav.validators` as a list (of length one) for the datatype. .. note:: The reason it returns it as a list, is eventually we may want this method to look elsewhere for additional attribute specific validators to return as well as the default, built-in one. """ DATATYPE_VALIDATORS = { 'text': validate_text, 'float': validate_float, 'int': validate_int, 'date': validate_date, 'bool': validate_bool, 'object': validate_object, 'enum': validate_enum, 'json': validate_json, 'csv': validate_csv, } return [DATATYPE_VALIDATORS[self.datatype]]
[docs] def validate_value(self, value): """ Check *value* against the validators returned by :meth:`get_validators` for this attribute. """ for validator in self.get_validators(): validator(value) if self.datatype == self.TYPE_ENUM: if isinstance(value, EnumValue): value = value.value if not self.enum_group.values.filter(value=value).exists(): raise ValidationError( _('%(val)s is not a valid choice for %(attr)s') % {'val': value, 'attr': self}, )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Saves the Attribute and auto-generates a slug field if one wasn't provided. """ if not self.slug: self.slug = generate_slug( self.full_clean() super().save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self): """ Validates the attribute. Will raise ``ValidationError`` if the attribute's datatype is *TYPE_ENUM* and enum_group is not set, or if the attribute is not *TYPE_ENUM* and the enum group is set. """ if self.datatype == self.TYPE_ENUM and not self.enum_group: raise ValidationError( _('You must set the choice group for multiple choice attributes'), ) if self.datatype != self.TYPE_ENUM and self.enum_group: raise ValidationError( _('You can only assign a choice group to multiple choice attributes'), )
[docs] def get_choices(self): """ Returns a query set of :class:`EnumValue` objects for this attribute. Returns None if the datatype of this attribute is not *TYPE_ENUM*. """ return ( self.enum_group.values.all() if self.datatype == Attribute.TYPE_ENUM else None )
[docs] def save_value(self, entity, value): """ Called with *entity*, any Django object registered with eav, and *value*, the :class:`Value` this attribute for *entity* should be set to. If a :class:`Value` object for this *entity* and attribute doesn't exist, one will be created. .. note:: If *value* is None and a :class:`Value` object exists for this Attribute and *entity*, it will delete that :class:`Value` object. """ ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(entity) entity_filter = { 'entity_ct': ct, 'attribute': self, f'{get_entity_pk_type(entity)}':, } try: value_obj = self.value_set.get(**entity_filter) except Value.DoesNotExist: if value is None or value == '': return value_obj = Value.objects.create(**entity_filter) if value is None or value == '': value_obj.delete() return if value != value_obj.value: value_obj.value = value